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Prayers for Election Day 2017

I am one in the many of the One. I seem separate in this body yet I am connected to all that is. What I say and do here in this time and place moves the energy and so I place my thoughts, my desires and my intentions in a big pot and stir, calling them prayers. My prayers today are for this drama being played out in this country, USA, called the Election Day 2017. I place in the pot thoughts, desires, and intentions for the very best outcome today, the outcome that will move our nation and the collective consciousness in the direction of living in commUnity of unconditional love, compassion, interconnectedness, sustainable living, respect for each other and the planet, for the end of competition and greed and the beginning of living in a planetary family, seeing the other as your own brother, mother or child; giving to each as you would to such a family member; without condition, without manipulation, without expecting anything in return. May we live, speak and act, all of us, from a place of Love, a place of wanting the very best for the other, seeing them as part of the whole which is me, which is you. May we see how what we created in the past that has been unsustainable and look and move into the future seeing how we can live in a symbiotic relationship with each other, this planet called Earth and all the precious resources and beings upon it. I pray that Love will shine and diminish the illusion, the madness of hate, greed, selfishness, and all fear-based emotions. I pray that we will remember who we are and live from that place of truth. May the leaders of this country, and this world be in alignment with my prayers from this moment forward. Into the pot these intentions go, I stir; it brews and becomes so. Aho!

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