Creating Positive Change in Turbulent Times
I have been sitting in deep contemplation lately, praying and pondering about the state our our race, the Human Race. We humans, as a collective, have become monsters to this Earth and its children. My heart breaks to look at what our kind has done to the oceans, the land, the atmosphere, the animals and how separation, alienation and greed have pervaded among our race…
But I know I can not remain in these thoughts if I am to help raise the vibration and shift the energy. My work is to assist in elevating the awareness, yes, THEN raising the vibration by redirecting the collective consciousness to a focus on what we do want, moving our focus away from what we do not want. Spirit is showing me that our consciousness as a collective AND as individuals, needs to shift, to elevate...for any positive change.
There is an ancient axiom in the Tao that says, “Wherever the mind goes, energy follows.” The current events in the world are showing us the contrast (to quote Abraham Hicks) of what we don't want. We are being shown that we are in desperate need of something very different. We are finally waking up to very loud and clear signs. Perhaps this extreme is what was needed to shake the collective from its complacency and take a look at what has been festering while we were looking the other way.
What we see in the macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm. When we shift our inner focus and consciousness, the outer view changes...and the good news is we have control of what we focus on and can shift our moods and emotions. I have been asking myself how this president’s actions might reflect my own dark shadow, beliefs and prejudices, buried so deep that I might not even realize they exist. And as I dig into the depths of my psyche and shed light on these shadow areas, I transmute that energy and in turn transmute the energy in the mass consciousness. My brothers and sisters, would you be so brave to join me on this journey within to shift the view without?
There is a great deal that needs to shift within the drama being played out in our government and beyond. Everything is effected; oceans, rivers, lakes, drinking water, our food supply, the air we breathe, our children’s education, the deplorable treatment of animals, our freedom, our rights, and much more.
My dear friend, Jane Ann, told me about a Gregg Branden video that showed a women’s cancerous tumor being shrunk to nothing within minutes merely by a group raising their vibration and focusing on what they do want. Will you do this work with me? Will you hold a vision with me of true peace, justice, freedom, equality, unity; where everyone has clean food, water and air; a safe and healthy planet where we all live in a symbiotic and sustainable relationship with each other and the Earth. Will you hold Donald Trump in a place of love, divine light, seeing him in his true state of divine love? Will you hold the United States in your vision as a place of solace, open to all who seek freedom and a fair and just life...and the world united as One Family.
Will you remember our great mentor, Gandi, and lead your protest as he did, with humility, quiet defiance, love and compassion. With the power of quiet humility, he and his followers dismantled the powerful systems that England had in place in India. We can walk in his footsteps. Ask yourself what is the alternative if we don’t do this work...I choose this path. Will you come with me?
Let us ask the questions: how can we be aware, create positive change, elevate the mass consciousness, without feeding the fear and the low vibrational energies? Let us ask this question to allow space for the universe to answer.
Let us ask this question of ourselves when we speak to others, when we post on social media, remembering that every action has an effect.
The events we witness in the world are a reflection of the mass consciousness. Let us shift that consciousness starting with our own. How does it get any better than this? What else is possible?
Deva Vidya